Foundation Stage | KS1 | KS2 | KS3 | KS4 | 16-19
A giant map, divided into 100 squares, sits at the front of your school
hall. One of those squares will reveal a treasure trove, but which one?
To find the treasure, your students, in teams, will solve numerous
hands-on challenges, gathering the clues that will enable them to use
logical deduction to locate the square hiding the golden haul!
With tasks differentiated according to year group, devised for Reception, Key Stages 1, 2, 3 and 4 as well as 16+, up to 60 students per session and up to 300 students per day, will be able to take part in this brilliant new thinking skills programme, that will boost your students’ self-confidence, build their resilience and improve skills that they will then carry into both the classroom and the social lives.